Additional Features
IPR Undersampling
IPR Undersampling menu
IPR Undersampling is another feature that can increase responsiveness during IPR rendering. The IPR Undersampling value determines how much the render resolution is divided in its first passes. Higher undersampling values mean a faster first pass because of the lower resolution during those first passes. Essentially this settings allows you to sacrifice some clarity on the first couple of passes in exchange for the benefit of some speed in render view feedback. You can compare the difference between undersampling values in the animation below.
在 IPR 渲染过程中,采样不足是另一个可以提高响应能力的特征。IPR 的欠抽样值决定了渲染分辨率在其第一次传递中的除数。较高的欠采样值意味着更快的第一次通过,因为在那些第一次通过分辨率较低。本质上,这种设置允许您牺牲一些清晰的第一夫妇的通行证,以换取一些速度在渲染视图反馈的好处。您可以比较下面动画中采样不足值之间的差异。
IPR Undersample values in buttom left of each quadrant
DCC Specific Features
Cinema 4D has an exclusive button called the Snapshot to Picture Viewer button that lets you take a rendered image from the Redshift Render View and open it i the C4D native Picture Viewer.
4 d 影院有一个独家的按钮叫做快照到图片浏览器按钮,它可以让你从红移渲染视图中获取渲染图片,并在 C4D 本地图片浏览器中打开它。
When you click on the Snapshot to Picture Viewer button the rendered image will be loaded into the C4D Picture Viewer as demonstrated below.
当你点击快照到图片查看器按钮时,渲染的图片将被加载到 C4D 图片查看器中,如下所示。