The Triplanar Projection node gives a quick way to map a texture on any object and presents the possibility for texture transforms local to each projection axis. The Triplanar Map node has six inputs representing the positive and negative X, Y, and Z planes. The same or different texture nodes can be mapped to each of these inputs.
三平面投影节点提供了一种在任何对象上映射纹理的快速方法,并提供了在每个投影轴局部进行纹理变换的可能性。 Triplanar Map节点有六个输入,分别代表正,负X,Y和Z平面。 相同或不同的纹理节点可以映射到这些输入中的每一个。
This texture is used for mapping the samples of multiple textures along three planes - x, y, and z - in world space or object space coordinates and blending them to create one seamless texture. In most cases and depending on the complexity of the model, it generally allow users to map textures without necessarily having a UV-mapped mesh. Nevertheless, manual UV mapping is inevitable if you have a complex model. Remember this advice all the time.
此纹理用于在世界空间或对象空间坐标中沿三个平面(x,y和z)映射多个纹理的采样,并将其混合以创建一个无缝纹理。 在大多数情况下,并且取决于模型的复杂性,它通常允许用户映射纹理而不必具有UV映射的网格。 但是,如果您有复杂的模型,则手动UV映射是不可避免的。 始终记住此建议。
The Triplanar Map Node divides a material map into six areas corresponding to the x, -x, y, -y, z, and -z axis. Initially, a texture would cover the entire surface of the object but the triplanar mapping confines visibility of the texture map onto the corresponding axes that are active for that texture.
This Node may further depend on a Triplanar Projection Node which localizes the projection of the texture to a corresponding plane and allows texture UV transforms relative to that projection axis. For example, you can assign "Projection" node to one of your textures and select "Triplanar" from the options.
Triplanar贴图节点将材质贴图划分为六个区域,分别对应于x,-x,y,-y,z和-z轴。 最初,纹理将覆盖对象的整个表面,但是三面贴图将纹理图的可见性限制在对该纹理有效的相应轴上。
该节点可以进一步依赖于三面投影节点,该三面投影节点将纹理的投影定位到相应的平面,并允许相对于该投影轴的纹理UV变换。 例如,您可以将“ Projection”节点分配给其中一个纹理,然后从选项中选择“ Triplanar”。
how to use
Open the Node editor and prepare the setup as you see in the picture below. In this setup 5 different image textures used for the "Triplanar" node according to the object space coordinates. You can easily place any image or procedural textures of these axes.
打开节点编辑器并准备设置,如下图所示。 在此设置中,根据对象空间坐标,为“三平面”节点使用了5种不同的图像纹理。 您可以轻松放置这些轴的任何图像或程序纹理。
trIplanar SETTINGS
blend angle
You can soften the seams of the triplanar from here.
sIngle texture
You can only use one texture which is "positive X" axis if you want to. The result is the same with the default mapping.
如果需要,只能使用一个“正X”轴纹理。 结果与默认映射相同。
posItIve and negatIve axes
You can define any procedural or image texture to these axes for triplanar mapping.
You can control the triplanar node by connecting the transform node.