Custom Install Locations 自定义安装位置
Table of Contents
The information on this page is intended for advanced users. Customizing paths incorrectly will result in Redshift being unable to run correctly.
此页面上的信息是为高级用户准备的。不正确地自定义路径将导致 Redshift 无法正确运行。
This section describes the various options available to customize the location of Redshift binaries and data files. This can be used to facilitate centralized deployments or to support side-by-side installation of more than 1 version of Redshift on a single machine.
本节介绍可用于自定义红移二进制文件和数据文件的位置的各种选项。这可用于促进集中部署,或支持在单台机器上并行安装多个版本的 Redshift。
The following paths are used by Redshift:
- Plugin Path 插件路径 – the path containing the Redshift DCC plugin. - 包含红移 DCC 插件的路径
- Core Data Path 核心数据路径 – the top-level path containing the core Redshift data files, including the shader binaries and other GPU kernels. This path can be safely shared between multiple machines in a centralized deployment scenario. - 包含核心红移数据文件的顶级路径,包括着色二进制文件和其他 GPU 内核。在集中式部署场景中,可以在多台计算机之间安全地共享此路径
- Local Data Path 本地数据路径 – the top-level path containing the Log directory and the default location for the license and preferences files. This file should not be shared between multiple machines. - 包含 Log 目录和许可证和首选项文件的默认位置的顶级路径。此文件不应在多台计算机之间共享
- Procedurals Path 程序路径 – the search path for Redshift procedurals - 红移程序的搜索路径
- Preferences File Path 首选项文件路径 – the full path to the preferences xml file. - 首选项 xml 文件的完整路径
- License Path 许可证路径 – the path to scan for license files. - 扫描许可证文件的路径
Default Paths
Core data path 核心数据通路 | C:\ProgramData\Redshift |
Local data path 本地数据路径 | C:\ProgramData\Redshift |
Procedurals path 程序路径 | <core data path>\Procedurals |
License path 许可证路径 | <local data path> |
Preference file path 首选项文件路径 | <local data path>\preferences.xml |
Log file path 日志文件路径 | <local data path>\Log |
Core data path 核心数据通路 | /usr/redshift |
Local data path 本地数据路径 | ~/redshift |
Procedurals path 程序路径 | <core data path>/procedurals |
License path 许可证路径 | <local data path> |
Preference file path 首选项文件路径 | <local data path>/preferences.xml |
Log file path 日志文件路径 | <local data path>/log |
Core data path 核心数据通路 | /Applications/redshift |
Local data path 本地数据路径 | ~/redshift |
Procedurals path 程序路径 | <core data path>/procedurals |
License path 许可证路径 | <local data path> |
Preference file path 首选项文件路径 | <local data path>/preferences.xml |
Log file path 日志文件路径 | <local data path>/log |
The default behavior described above can be overridden and customized either by setting environment variables, or via a path configuration XML file, as explained below.
可以通过设置环境变量或通过路径配置 XML 文件重写和定制上面描述的默认行为,如下所述。
Customizing Paths Using Environment Variables
The following environment variables, when set, will override the defaults listed above:
- REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH 红移/coredatapath – overrides the - 凌驾于Core Data Path 核心数据路径
- REDSHIFT_LOCALDATAPATH 本地数据通路 – overrides the - 凌驾于Local Data Path 本地数据路径
- REDSHIFT_PROCEDURALSPATH 程序性红移– overrides the 压倒Procedurals Path 程序路径
- REDSHIFT_PREFSPATH 红移/prefspath – overrides the - 凌驾于Preferences File Path 首选项文件路径 (full path, including file name to the preferences.xml file)
- REDSHIFT_LICENSEPATH 红移牌照/路径 – overrides the - 凌驾于License Path 许可证路径 (primary search path for license files) (许可证文件的主搜索路径)
Example: Centralized Deployment
例如: 集中部署
In environments where Redshift is deployed onto many machines, it can become a burden to run the Redshift installer on each machine every time a new version is released (typically every few days).
By customizing the Redshift data paths using environment variables, a systems administrator can greatly simplify the process such that version updates require only to update a single shared network location.
在将 Redshift 部署到许多计算机的环境中,每次发布新版本时(通常每隔几天)在每台计算机上运行 Redshift 安装程序可能成为一种负担。通过使用环境变量自定义 Redshift 数据路径,系统管理员可以极大地简化流程,使版本更新只需更新单个共享网络位置。
Running Redshift from a centralized network share involves 1) collecting the necessary files onto the centralized network share, 2) configuring the Redshift core to read its data files from the network share, and 3) configuring each host application (Maya, 3ds Max, etc...) to find the appropriate Redshift plugin and its dependencies.
从一个集中的网络共享运行红移包括1)收集必要的文件到集中的网络共享,2)配置红移内核从网络共享读取其数据文件,3)配置每个主机应用程序(Maya,3ds Max 等。.)找到合适的红移插件及其依赖关系。
Collecting necessary files
The simplest way to collect the files required by Redshift onto your network share is to run the Redshift installer for your particular platform and copying the files manually to a new location. After running the installer, the necessary files will be located in the following path:
收集 Redshift 所需文件到您的网络共享的最简单的方法是为您的特定平台运行 Redshift 安装程序,并将文件手动复制到新的位置。运行安装程序后,必要的文件将位于以下路径:
Windows 窗户 | C:\ProgramData\Redshift |
Linux | /usr/redshift |
macOS | /Applications/redshift |
Simply copy the contents of the path above (for your particular platform) to your centralized network share.
Configuring the Redshift core
The next step is to configure the Redshift core to look for its data in your network share. You do this by defining the environment variable REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH
on each render machine. For example, if you collected the necessary files in //server/share/Redshift
to //server/share//Redshift
. Specific instructions on how to set environment variables is beyond the scope of this document, but should be well known to system administrators.
下一步是配置 Redshift 核心,以便在您的网络共享中查找其数据。你可以通过在每台渲染机器上定义环境变量/红移/coredatapath 来做到这一点。例如,如果在//server/share/REDSHIFT 中收集了必要的文件,那么将 REDSHIFT _ coredatapath 设置为//server/share/REDSHIFT。关于如何设置环境变量的具体说明超出了本文的范围,但是系统管理员应该知道。
Configuring host applications
Once the Redshift core has been configured as described above, you will need to configure your host application(s) to find the appropriate Redshift plugin(s) on your network share. The steps required are host application-specifc and descibed below.
To configure Maya to find the redshift4maya plugin on your network share, create a Maya module file as shown below (modify Maya version as necessary) and place it somewhere in Maya's module search paths. To share the Maya module from a central location, you can define the environment variable MAYA_MODULE_PATH
(on each render machine) to point to a network share. Alternatively, the module file may be copied to each render machine.
为了配置 Maya 在你的网络共享中找到 redshift4maya 插件,创建一个如下所示的 Maya 模块文件(必要时修改 Maya 版本) ,并将其放在 Maya 模块搜索路径的某个地方。要从中心位置共享 MAYA 模块,可以在每个渲染机器上定义环境变量 MAYA _ module _ path 来指向一个网络共享。或者,可以将模块文件复制到每个呈现机器。
+ MAYAVERSION:2017 redshift4maya any %REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH% scripts: Plugins/Maya/Common/scripts icons: Plugins/Maya/Common/icons plug-ins: Plugins/Maya/2017/nt-x86-64 MAYA_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_PATH +:= Plugins/Maya/Common/scripts/NETemplates REDSHIFT_MAYAEXTENSIONSPATH +:= Plugins/Maya/2017/nt-x86-64/extensions REDSHIFT_PROCEDURALSPATH +:= Procedurals PATH +:= bin |
Linux and macOS
和 macOS
+ MAYAVERSION:2017 redshift4maya any $REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH scripts: Plugins/Maya/Common/scripts icons: Plugins/Maya/Common/icons plug-ins: Plugins/Maya/2017/nt-x86-64 MAYA_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_PATH +:= Plugins/Maya/Common/scripts/NETemplates REDSHIFT_MAYAEXTENSIONSPATH +:= Plugins/Maya/2017/nt-x86-64/extensions REDSHIFT_PROCEDURALSPATH +:= Procedurals PATH +:= bin |
3ds Max
To configure 3ds Max for use with a centralized Redshift installation, you will need to copy files from the network share to the 3ds Max installation folder on each machine. The following shows an example of how to accomplish this from the command line (for 3ds Max 2018, modify as necessary for other versions). Note that these commands need to be run on each render machine, and may require Administrator privileges (in order to write to the 3ds Max installation folder).
为了配置3ds Max 用于集中式红移安装,您需要将文件从网络共享复制到每台机器上的3ds Max 安装文件夹。下面的示例演示如何从命令行实现这一点(对于3ds Max 2018,根据需要对其他版本进行修改)。请注意,这些命令需要在每台呈现机器上运行,并且可能需要管理员权限(以便写入3ds Max 安装文件夹)。
copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\Plugins\3dsMax\2018\nt-x86-64\redshift4max.dlr" "%ADSK_3DSMAX_x64_2018%\plugins\" xcopy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\Plugins\3dsMax\scripts\*" "%ADSK_3DSMAX_x64_2018%\scripts\" /e /h /f copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\redshift-core-vc100.dll" "%ADSK_3DSMAX_x64_2018%\" copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\OpenImageIO-1.6.17-vc100.dll" "%ADSK_3DSMAX_x64_2018%\" |
Additional files required for Redshift version 2.6.x and above:
红移2.6. x 及以上版本所需的其他文件:
copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\altus-api.dll" "%ADSK_3DSMAX_x64_2018%\" copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\cudnn64_7.dll" "%ADSK_3DSMAX_x64_2018%\" copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\cudart64_90.dll" "%ADSK_3DSMAX_x64_2018%\" copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\optix.51.dll" "%ADSK_3DSMAX_x64_2018%\" copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\optix_denoiser.51.dll" "%ADSK_3DSMAX_x64_2018%\" |
Set up a workgroup on each machine to a shared network location (or use an existing shared workgroup). Next install the appropriate Redshift .xsiaddon to the shared workgroup (this step only needs to be done on one machine).
将每台计算机上的工作组设置为共享网络位置(或使用现有的共享工作组)。接下来安装适当的红移。Xsiaddon 到共享工作组(这个步骤只需要在一台机器上完成)。
An alternative to manually installing the Redshift .xsiaddon to the shared workgroup is to use the xsiaddonExtractor
tool to extract the contents of the xsiaddon to a folder of your choice.
手动安装红移的替代方案。共享工作组的 xsiaddon 是使用 xsiaddonExtractor 工具将 xsiaddon 的内容提取到您选择的文件夹中。
The syntax is:
xsiaddonExtractor.exe [--output <extraction destination path>] |
Note that the --output
argument is optional. If omitted, the addon will be extracted to the current directory.
注意-output 参数是可选的,如果省略,插件将被提取到工作目录。
This will extract the contents of redshift4softimage2014.xsiaddon
to the Tools
directory (where xsiaddonExtractor.exe
这将把 redshift4softimag2014.xsiaddon 的内容提取到 Tools 目录(xsiaddonExtractor.exe 所在的目录)。
xsiaddonExtractor.exe ..\Plugins\Softimage\redshift4softimage2014.xsiaddon |
This will extract the contents of redshift4softimage2014.xsiaddon
to the network folder \\server\share\RedshiftWorkgroup\Addons\Redshift
这将把 redshift4softimag2014.xsiaddon 的内容提取到网络文件夹服务器共享 RedshiftWorkgroup Addons Redshift
xsiaddonExtractor.exe --output \\server\share\RedshiftWorkgroup\Addons\Redshift ..\Plugins\Softimage\redshift4softimage2014.xsiaddon |
Some additional files must be copied for Redshift versions 2.6.x and above:
对于红移2.6. x 及以上版本,必须复制一些其他文件:
set REDSHIFT_ADDON_BIN_DIR = \\server\share\RedshiftWorkgroup\Addons\Redshift\Application\Plugins\bin\nt-x86-64 copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\altus-api.dll" "%REDSHIFT_ADDON_BIN_DIR%\" copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\cudnn64_7.dll" "%REDSHIFT_ADDON_BIN_DIR%\" copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\cudart64_90.dll" "%REDSHIFT_ADDON_BIN_DIR%\" copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\optix.51.dll" "%REDSHIFT_ADDON_BIN_DIR%\" copy /Y "%REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH%\bin\optix_denoiser.51.dll" "%REDSHIFT_ADDON_BIN_DIR%\" |
Cinema 4D
4 d 电影院
Cinema 4D supports loading plugins from an additional location specified via the C4D_PLUGINS_DIR
environment variable. This can be directed to a network location where the Reshift plugin for the appropriate version of Cinema 4D can be copied.
4 d 电影院支持从一个额外的位置加载插件,这个位置是通过 C4D 插件/dir 环境变量指定的。这可以导向到一个网络位置,在那里的 Reshift 插件的适当版本的电影4 d 可以复制。
For example we could set the C4D_PLUGINS_DIR
environment variable to \\server\share\C4D_PLUGINS_R19
and then proceed to copy the R19 Redshift
plugin folder to this location.
例如,我们可以将 C4D plugins dir 环境变量设置为服务器共享 C4D plugins R19,然后将 R19 Redshift 插件文件夹复制到这个位置。
To prevent issues with incorrect installations, the plugin will not load if the version of the Redshift core does not match the expected version. Furthermore it will also refuse to load if multiple instances are detected in more that one Cinema 4D plugin location. When either of these conditions occur, the following message will be displayed in the Cinema 4D Console window and log:
为了防止不正确安装的问题,如果红移内核的版本与预期的版本不匹配,插件将不会加载。此外,它也将拒绝加载,如果多个实例检测到一个影院4 d 插件位置。当这两种情况中的任何一种发生时,在 Cinema 4 d 控制台窗口和日志中将显示以下信息:
Redshift: Plugin initialization failed. Please ensure that Redshift has been installed correctly and it matches this version of the plugin.
红移: 插件初始化失败。请确保红移安装正确,并与此版本的插件匹配。
In that case, please verify that only one Redshift plugin is found in Cinema 4D's plugin paths, and that the correct version of the Redshift core can be located by the plugin via the Redshift-specific environment variables (REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH
etc.) or via the path configuration XML file.
在这种情况下,请验证在 Cinema 4D 的插件路径中只找到一个红移插件,并且通过特定于红移的环境变量(REDSHIFT _ coredatapath 等)或通过路径配置 XML 文件可以定位红移核心的正确版本。
To configure Houdini to find the redshift4houdini plugin on your network share, you need to add the path to the redshift4houdini plugin to the HOUDINI_PATH
environment variable on each render machine. This can be accomplished by setting system environment variables, or by modifying the houdini.env file. On Windows, you will also need to add the path to the Redshift core dlls to the system PATH
environment variable in order for redshift4houdini to find its dependencies. We also recommend defining the variable HOUDINI_DSO_ERROR
and setting its value to 2. Examples are shown below for Houdini 16.0.705. Modify as necessary depending on the version of Houdini you are running.
为了配置 HOUDINI 在你的网络共享中找到 redshift4houdini 插件,你需要在每个渲染机上的 HOUDINI path 环境变量中添加到 redshift4houdini 插件的路径。这可以通过设置系统环境变量或修改 houdini.env 文件来实现。在 Windows 上,你还需要将红移核心 dll 的路径添加到系统 PATH/环境变量,以便 redshift4houdini 找到它的依赖项。我们还建议定义变量 HOUDINI _ dso _ error 并将其值设置为2。例子显示如下胡迪尼16.0.705。根据你正在运行的 Houdini 版本进行必要的修改。
When defining variables in the houdini.env file, you should use Linux style syntax for environment variables and path separators, regardless of your platform.
在 houdini.env 文件中定义变量时,应该对环境变量和路径分隔符使用 Linux 风格的语法,而不管平台如何。
Example houdini.env file on Windows
Windows 上的 houdini.env 文件示例
Example houdini.env file on Linux and macOS
Linux 和 macOS 上的示例 houdini.env 文件
Note the trailing semicolon ';' and ampersand '&' characters. These are important to allow Houdini to find its own native plugins.
注意后面的分号‘ ;’和 &’字符。这些对于 Houdini 找到自己的原生插件很重要。
Note the trailing semicolon ';' and ampersand '&' characters. These are important to allow Houdini to find its own native plugins.
注意后面的分号‘ ;’和 &’字符。这些对于 Houdini 找到自己的原生插件很重要。
To configure Katana to find the redshift4katana plugin on your network share, you need to add the path to the redshift4katan plugin to the KATANA_RESOURCES
environment variable on each render machine. This can be accomplished by setting system environment variables, or by modifying the Katana launcher.
为了配置 KATANA 在你的网络共享中找到 redshift4katana 插件,你需要在每个渲染机上的 KATANA 资源环境变量中添加到 redshift4katan 插件的路径。这可以通过设置系统环境变量来实现,或者通过修改武士刀发射器来实现。
On Windows, you will also need to add the path to the Redshift core dlls to the system PATH
environment variable in order for redshift4katana to find its dependencies. Similarly, on Linux, you may need to modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
to point to the Redshift core libraries.
在 Windows 上,你还需要将红移核心 dll 的路径添加到系统路径环境变量,以便 redshift4katana 找到它的依赖项。同样,在 Linux 上,您可能需要修改 ld_library _ path 以指向 Redshift 核心库。
We also recommend defining the variable DEFAULT_RENDERER
and setting its value to Redshift
. Examples are shown below for Katana 2.6v1. Modify as necessary depending on the version of Katana you are running.
我们还建议定义变量 default_renderer 并将其值设置为 Redshift。下面是 Katana 2.6 v1的例子。根据你正在运行的武士刀版本进行必要的修改。
Example variables to add to the Katana launcher script on Windows
要添加到 Windows 上 Katana 启动程序脚本的示例变量
Example variables to add to the Katana launcher script on Linux
要添加到 Linux 上 Katana 启动程序脚本的示例变量
#render plugins export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH}/bin:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" export KATANA_RESOURCES=${REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH}/redshift4katana/katana2.5v4 export DEFAULT_RENDERER=Redshift |
Updating a centralized installation
To update a centralized Redshift installation to a new version, you simply replace the contents of the network share with new files. For Softimage, you also need to replace the existing Redshift addon files in the shared workgroup either by installing the appropriate .xsiaddon to the shared workgroup on 1 machine, or by using the xsiaddonExtractor.exe tool included with Redshift.
要将集中的红移安装更新为新版本,只需用新文件替换网络共享的内容。对于 Softimage,您还需要通过安装适当的。Xsiaddon 到1台计算机上的共享工作组,或者使用 Redshift 附带的 xsiaddonExtractor.exe 工具。
Customizing Paths Using a Path Configuration XML
使用路径配置 XML 自定义路径
As an alternative to using environment variables, the various Redshift paths can also be customized by placing a file named pathconfig.xml
in the same folder as the Redshift plugin being loaded by the host application. This technique is useful for tying the path configuration to a particular plugin location, thereby making the process of switching between versions of Redshift on a particular version of your host application as simple as configuring the plugin location.
作为使用环境变量的替代方案,各种红移路径也可以通过将一个名为 pathconfig.xml 的文件放在主机应用程序正在加载的红移插件所在的文件夹中来定制。这项技术对于将路径配置绑定到一个特定的插件位置非常有用,从而使在主机应用程序的特定版本之间切换红移的过程和配置插件位置一样简单。
The format of pathconfig.xml is very simple. It should contain 1 or more lines of the following form:
Xml 的格式非常简单,它应该包含以下格式的1行或更多行:
<path name="PATH_VARIABLE" value="//server/share/path" /> |
For example, to set the REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH
to //server/share/rs-core-data-path
, you would include the line:
例如,要将 REDSHIFT _ coredatapath 设置为//server/share/rs-core-data-path,可以包含以下行:
<path name="REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH" value="//server/share/rs-core-data-path" /> |
It is not necessary to set all variables in the xml file. You can, for example, only set REDSHIFT_COREDATAPATH
and omit the others, which would result in default behavior for all paths except the core data path.
不需要在 xml 文件中设置所有的变量。例如,您可以只设置 REDSHIFT _ coredatapath,而忽略其他路径,这将导致除核心数据路径以外的所有路径的默认行为。
Path values support environment variable expansion. I.e. if you already have an environment variable named SERVER_SHARE
with a value //server/share
, you could set a value in the xml as %SERVER_SHARE%
(windows) or $SERVER_SHARE
路径值支持环境变量扩展。例如,如果您已经有一个名为 SERVER _ share 的环境变量//SERVER/share,您可以在 xml 中设置一个值为% SERVER _ share% (windows)或 $SERVER _ share (Linux/macOS)
Path Resolution Rules
The various paths are resolved by first checking for a pathconfig.xml entry, then checking for an environment variable, then using a default value:
通过首先检查一个 pathconfig.xml 条目,然后检查一个环境变量,然后使用一个默认值来解析不同的路径: