W coordInate
This texture is used to reach the vertex coordinate system of each hair strand during hair use in Octane. Thus you have got the access to use gradient color for each hair. This is a very useful add-on for creation of hair material in Octane.
在Octane中使用头发时,此纹理用于达到每个发束的顶点坐标系。 因此,您可以为每根头发使用渐变色。 这是用于在Octane中创建发丝的非常有用的附件。
how to use
Using this texture node requires some knowledge. First of all, you should have an average knowledge of Cinema 4D's hair Module. For this, you can follow online tutorials or read the help file of Cinema 4D. To use Hair in Octane, you can look at the "Rendering / Hair Rendering" section. The following setup is the material setup you will assign to the hair object after creating the hair. As you can see in the picture, it is easy to use after dealing with the main hair and object setup. Once you first create a gradient node and specify the colors, you simply connect the W coordinate Node to the input section of the gradient. Finally, to see the hair render in LV, assign the "octane object tag" to the object to which you assigned the hair and check the "Render as Hair" option in the "hair" tab.
使用此纹理节点需要一些知识。 首先,您应该对Cinema 4D的头发模块有一定的了解。 为此,您可以按照在线教程或阅读Cinema 4D的帮助文件。 要在Octane中使用头发,可以查看“渲染/头发渲染”部分。 以下设置是创建头发后将分配给头发对象的材质设置。 正如您在图片中看到的那样,在处理了主要的头发和对象设置之后,它很容易使用。 首次创建渐变节点并指定颜色后,只需将W坐标节点连接到渐变的输入部分即可。 最后,要在LV中查看头发渲染,请将“Octane对象标签”分配给分配了头发的对象,然后选中“头发”选项卡中的“渲染为头发”选项。