Proxies 代理
Redshift Proxies allow you to place previously exported Redshift Proxy Files (.rs) files in your scenes without actually loading the geometry until it is actually needed at render time.
Using proxies has several advantages over in-scene objects, namely:
- Proxies are loaded by Redshift on demand and will therefore only use resources when they are needed (when a ray intersects the proxy's bounding box). 代理按需加载红移,因此只在需要时才使用资源(当一条光线与代理的边界框相交时)
- Proxies have almost no time cost during scene translation. Extracting large amounts of geometry from Maya, 3ds Max Softimage can be slow and using proxies means you pay that cost only once when you export the Redshift Proxy File. 在场景转换过程中,代理服务器几乎没有时间消耗。从 Maya 中提取大量的几何图形,3ds Max Softimage 可能会很慢,使用代理意味着你只需要在导出红移代理文件时支付一次
- Proxies are stored in an optimized format on disk so that the renderer can immediately use the data after loading from disk without additional processing or memory overhead. 代理以优化后的格式存储在磁盘上,这样渲染器可以在从磁盘加载后立即使用数据,而不需要额外的处理或内存开销
The main disadvantages of using proxies:
- Making edits to the proxy can be more time consuming than if the original data is part of the scene (as it requires making changes in another file and re-exporting the Redshift Proxy File) 对代理进行编辑比将原始数据作为场景的一部分更耗时(因为这需要在另一个文件中进行更改并重新导出红移代理文件)
- Proxies cannot be deformed or otherwise modified. For example, you cannot animate components inside a proxy (but you can animate the position, rotation and scale of the proxy as a whole rigid object). 代理不能变形或以其他方式修改。例如,您不能使代理内的组件产生动画效果(但是您可以使代理的位置、旋转和缩放作为一个整体的刚性对象产生动画效果)
Redshift Proxy Files can contain any number of meshes. In fact, Redshift Proxy Files describe an entire scene and support object types including hair, strands, instances, volume containers, lights and any materials/shaders applied to these objects. A Redshift Proxy Files can even contain other proxies!
Redshift Proxies provide the option to use either the materials embedded in the Redshift Proxy File, or to replace those materials with materials from the scene where the proxy is placed.
Redshift Proxy File s are DCC-independent, so you can export a Redshift Proxy File from Maya and place it as a proxy in Softimage, or vice-versa.
红移代理文件是独立于 dcc 的,因此您可以从 Maya 导出一个红移代理文件,并将其作为代理放在 Softimage 中,反之亦然。
Important Notes
When working with Redshift Proxies, it is helpful to follow these guidelines:
- You cannot retrieve the original 3d app's (Maya, C4D, Houdini, etc) mesh from a Redshift Proxy File, so it is generally advisable to keep the original source data that was used to export the Redshift Proxy. 您无法从红移代理文件中检索原始3d 应用程序的网格(Maya、 C4D、 Houdini 等) ,因此通常建议保留用于导出红移代理的原始源数据
- When placing multiple copies of a Redshift Proxy in a scene, it is much more efficient for memory and performance to create a single Redshift Proxy and then create multiple instances of this proxy and place them as desired. 当在一个场景中放置多个红移代理的副本时,创建一个单独的红移代理,然后创建这个代理的多个实例并按照需要放置它们,这样在内存和性能方面会更有效