cIneme 4d surface shaders/textures
cIneme 4d表面着色器/纹理
Octane can use native shaders / textures of Cinema 4D called "surfaces". All of these textures are procedural. Some are also available in Octane, such as Noise, Checker, Turbulence. Some of these textures work very well with Octane. For example, if you want to create procedural wood texture, you can use the "Wood" texture from this section, and you can get pretty detailed and beautiful results. If you keep reasonable resolution from the settings/c4d shaders, Octane will work efficiently with these surfaces.
Octane可以使用Cinema 4D的本机着色器/纹理(称为“表面”)。所有这些纹理都是程序性的。在Octane中也可以使用某些功能,例如“噪波”,“检查器”和“湍流”。其中一些纹理在Octane中效果很好。例如,如果要创建程序木材纹理,则可以使用本节中的“木材”纹理,并且可以获得非常详细,漂亮的结果。如果您在settings / c4d着色器中保持合理的分辨率,则Octane可以在这些曲面上有效地工作。
You can also work with these surfaces in the Node Editor. You can connect some of these surfaces to each Slot you see "Power", "Texture" or "Amount" on other Octane Nodes. However, you can not use the Octane "Transform" or "Projection" nodes for these surface textures. Because these surfaces are converted to bitmap in Octane (see this section for the convert process explanation) and XYZ / 3D space or Camera space will not work. You have to do these operations from the native tools of Cinema 4D.
您也可以在“节点编辑器”中使用这些曲面。您可以将其中一些曲面连接到在其他Octane节点上看到的“电源”,“纹理”或“数量”的每个插槽。但是,不能将Octane的“变换”或“投影”节点用于这些表面纹理。由于这些曲面已在Octane中转换为位图(有关转换过程的说明,请参见本节),并且XYZ / 3D空间或``相机''空间将不起作用。您必须通过Cinema 4D的本机工具执行这些操作。
We explained how to access these textures In this section.
The following picture shows all the Cinema 4D surface textures used by Octane.
Info: Below images are obtained from Maxon website for display purpose only. All Rights Reserved.
Info: All the below images are rendered with Cinema 4D by Maxon Team.
下图显示了Octane使用的所有Cinema 4D表面纹理。
信息:以下所有图像均由Maxon Team使用Cinema 4D渲染。